What payment methods does 7starcollection.com accept?

7starcollection accepts PayPal, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Klarna for payments.

Can I make changes to my order after placing it?

While all our products are made-to-order and we don't keep stock, we understand that situations may change. While we don't accept cancellations, you can reach out to us through email or WhatsApp and we'll consider if any modifications are possible.

Are there any hidden shipping costs?

7starcollection does not carry out any hidden shipping costs. We offer free delivery for orders from the US, UK, EU, Canada, and Australia. For other regions, a shipping fee of $39.99 is applicable.

Where can I find details about my order?

Upon placing an order, you'll receive an email containing all relevant information about your order.

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes, we ship worldwide except for select locations such as Israel and Russia.

Do you have a Money-Back Guarantee policy?

Our Money-Back Guarantee is applicable if you don't receive your parcel or if we send you an incorrect size or damaged item.

How long does delivery take?

Orders typically take 7 to 8 days for delivery after dispatch. Production time depends on the selected shipping method.

Is it not safe to order online?

We use services like Norton and SSL encryption, guaranteeing secure and safe online dealings & transactions. So, it is safe to order online.

Can I exchange my product after getting it?

Exchanges are acknowledged within 7 days of shipping, with the customer answerable for return delivery costs.

Are there any special offers existing?

We offer numerous promo codes throughout the year, usually line up with spells and holidays.

Do you have custom sizes?

Yes, all our outerwear are made-to-measure and custom sizes are obtainable for an extra $20.

How can I easily cancel my order?

If you wish to terminate an order within the listed time, please contact us via email or WhatsApp. Refer to our cancellation policy for further details.

How can I track my order?

You can track your order through the "Track Order" option available at our website.

Which services of courier do you use?

We use FedEx and DHL for most deliveries, sometimes using other services for the fastest direction.

How can I apply my coupon code?

Just enter the code of coupon at the checkout page in the mentioned field.

How can I receive refunds for returns?

Refunds may take up to 7-8 business days and will be issued to the original form of fee.

How can I contact 7starcollection for queries?

Feel free to use our "Contact Us" page on the website or reach out via email or WhatsApp.

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